plugin with ambit


Phil Moser and Aydee Moser have a rock-solid business partnership and succeed through their combined skill sets. They share three adult children and three grandchildren, but not a ZIP code. But proximity to one another pales in importance to the common goal they share: their burning desire to succeed.

Phil was introduced to Plug In With Power in 2006 while working in banking and construction. Still able to capitalize on the building boom of the time, he did what he needed to in order to achieve the rank of Senior Consultant. Following the construction slowdown, he attended Plug In With Power's national conference in 2010 and renewed his efforts to achieve the status of National Consultant.

Aydee Moser was building her own skill set for Plug In With Power as a field trainer until she joined forces with Phil to capitalize on what each did best. Together, they combine their years of experience coaching and mentoring the professionals on their teams.

Commitment to a Common Cause from the Start
"We've been there since the beginning," Phil says. "Sure, we've been sidetracked by traditional businesses. That's how we were raised-work 40-plus hours and count on that paycheck at the end of it. But we've built this business through persistent, consistent action and by never giving up."

Phil has learned in his experience to push past his preconceived ideas about what makes someone successful. "I used to think if you were educated a certain way, you looked a certain way and you carried yourself a certain way, you'd be successful," he says. "I've come to realize, these days, that isn't the case."

As a trainer, Aydee seeks individuals who are coachable and teachable. She's looking for determined individuals who are not focused on reinventing the wheel. "We need them to plug into a system that is already proven."

Phil and Aydee focus on their children and grandchildren to stay motivated. They've achieved personal financial independence and success, so the goal now is to create generational wealth.

Powered by a Common Goal
Phil adds that he seeks with a passion to succeed and a desire to focus on the goal and final outcome. Their team currently includes two of their adult children and their goal is to expand globally. Phil knows three languages in addition to English, and they both share contacts all over the world. Combining business with travel to expand their business's reach appeals to them both.

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